Don't think about the future, as positive anticipation can be just as debilitating as worry; causing you to anxiously await the what could or will be as opposed to living in the present. Living in the present allows for you to enjoy every moment; allowing for you to use all SIX of your senses to paint pictures and create moments that can never be truly captured in the same light on camera or when looking back on them later on in life. Judging other people for even their worst behavior only creates negative karma in your life; allowing the door to be open for others to judge you for what they may perceive as "bad behavior." Love and acceptance for all, regardless of prejudice, is what can bind people and create a community feel in a society where community has become a thing of the past. Relax, enjoy, understand, and reconsider your priorities. What you look like bodes absolutely nothing on internal and eternal happiness.
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