What I See Campaign Week Five: Meet Friday’s Arrivals

What I See Campaign Week Five: Meet Friday’s Arrivals

It’s the final day of the What I See campaign! Chin up – we’ve got another four online communicators to keep you happy.

Jo Middleton

We say: Jo’s a freelance marketing and social media consultant, copywriter and journalist. Gasp-inducingly, she does all this alongside looking after her two girls, Bee and Belle, and blogging about it at Slummy single mummy.
She says: “I managed to juggle family, work and home commitments by pretending I don’t notice how dirty the house was.”

Carly Findlay

We say: Melbourne-based Carly is a writer, TV presenter and speaker, who blogs about her lifelong skin condition, Ichthyosis.
She says: “I write and speak about what it's like to look visibly different.”

Fiona O’Grady

We say: Fiona blogs at Save Our Shoes with her BFF LJ (LJ’s the name, not an acronym). She works freelance, and likes vintage teacups, platform heels and free publications. Who doesn’t?
She says: “The internet and I are best friends.”

And now for our special guest collaborator, who contributed to the project yesterday…

Sooz Sheehan

We say: Sooz used to be a (cool job alert) special effects make-up artist, and is now working towards owning her own vintage beauty parlour. Her lifestyle blog, The Streets Where You Live, is home to everything from reviews to Michael Crawford appreciation.
She says: “A vintage girl what's living her vintage life on the mean streets of Dublin and London.”

Thanks to all our communicators for a great campaign. We can’t wait to see them at the launch on Tuesday, as well as joining in our #WISPchat from 2pm today!


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