What I See meets… entrepreneur and home expert Alison Cork

What I See meets… entrepreneur and home expert Alison Cork

Welcome back to Working Women month! If you missed Friday’s post – advice from some amazing professional women, from Rachel Khoo to Frances Quinn via Jane Garvey – then catch up here. And once you’ve done that, you’re ready to meet today’s working woman: the very determined and hugely inspiring Alison Cork.

We left the filming session with a very pronounced spring in our step. Watch the video and you’ll see why – Alison’s enthusiasm, passion and drive are so infectious they should come with a health warning.

Alison turned down a job at the BBC to follow her instinct and start a business. And start a business she did: setting up a mail order publishing company that saw her become one of the youngest ever board directors of a publicly quoted company.

Alongside a broadcasting career that includes Home in the Country, 60 Minute Makeover and Help I Hate My House, as well as hundreds of articles, Alison has set up online interior store Alison At Home, cementing her reputation as a trusted interiors expert.

Alison's interiors website, Alison At Home.

We sat down with Alison to talk about risk, challenges, work-life balance, what keeps her motivated and, of course, what she sees when she looks in the mirror. 


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