What do you see when you look in the mirror?

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what do I see when I look in the mirror...
this is difficult to answer, I've never actually told anyone how I see myself. people tell you that you look great and that you've lost weight but you never see what other people see. I see my self as so much bigger than I actually am, my thighs are huge and covered in ugly cuts and scars. my love handles are ginormous. my hips bones, ribs and collar bones don't stick out, I'm not toned. I have no bum or boobs. I'm unhappy whenever I look in the mirror. it's been a hard six years of feeling fat and insecure. I remember the days of being care free and happy with how I looked. I struggle to fit into my clothes as I feel nothing looks right and I'm uncomfortable. I'm inbetween sizes at the moment and I want to be back down to the smaller size!
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